Everyone stood in the same position for at least 5 minutes, eventually the jam started opening up. Everyone from all directions was getting ready to rush out, not really thinking about the ambulance, when I noticed a lady had stepped out of her car and reached the convergence point.
Her car was already free and she had no connection to anyone in that ambulance, it was quite convenient for her to just drive off, but she decided to manage the traffic so that the ambulance could leave. Some people were irritated by her stopping them, but most of the people started to respond to her directions and help save crucial minutes for someone in need.
All of this happened within a few minutes, and I felt quite inspired by the lady, who stepped up and managed a group of restless crowd, without having any authority over anyone. It was leadership at it's finest.
It also showed me that most people, in normal circumstances would understand if you have good intentions.
Also, a request to people to help clear out the way for the Ambulance. Our sacrifice of a couple of minutes can save someone’s life.